Eva’s Phoenix is a transitional housing and employment training facility for youth experiencing homelessness. It’s located in downtown Toronto.

  • Are a young person aged 16 to 24 years old
  • Are experiencing homelessness, at risk of being homeless, or precariously housed
  • Are working on, or ready to work on, securing income from employment and/or social services (e.g. OW, ODSP, CAS)
  • Are working on, or ready to develop and work on, goals related to employment, career and/or education
  • Are working on, or ready to develop and work on, life skills such as healthy relationships with family and friends, self-care, cooking, housekeeping, and financial literacy
  • Are working on, or ready to work on, becoming and staying mentally and physically healthy
  • Are working on, or ready to work on, developing your support system, including supports from your community, family members, and friends
  • Are thinking about, or ready to think about, your next step(s) for housing after your Phoenix experience

Each resident will:

  • Save 30% or more of your gross income for housing post-Phoenix and other goals
  • Live in a townhouse with 3 to 5 other young people
  • Participate in weekly chores, twice monthly house meetings, and monthly deep cleans
  • Participate in employment and/or education programs and opportunities
  • Have your own bedroom with a shared kitchen and bathroom
  • Participate in life skills and financial literacy workshops and opportunities
  • Respect rules and expectations, including Health and Safety requirements, chores, guests, and authorized overnights
  • Meet twice a week with a case manager
Transitional Housing

At Eva’s Phoenix, 50 young people live in 10 shared townhouse-style units. They get their own bedroom with a key and access to shared spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, and study areas. While there, young people develop critical skills to live independently through caring individual support, workshops, and hands-on programs.

Apply to Live at Eva’s Phoenix

Want to apply to live at Eva’s Phoenix? If you are a young person working with a youth organization/agency, you can ask them to help you fill out and submit this application form. You can also fill out and send it in on your own.

Transitional housing for youth 16-24
Mon-Sun, 24 hours | Click here to apply

Phone: 416-364-4716 ext. 236
Email: intake@evas.ca

Safe Space