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Eva’s Place is an emergency shelter in North York for 40 youth who are experiencing homelessness. Here, youth receive support for their immediate needs, like a warm bed, nutritious meals, and mental health supports. They also have access to life skills programming, in addition to education and employment supports that will help them gain the skills they need to integrate into community living as they transition out of the shelter system.
360 Lesmill Road, Toronto, ON, M3B 2T5
Phone: 416-338-4766 (City of Toronto Intake)
Eva’s Satellite Motel program provides emergency and longer-term housing for up to 46 youth. This program was originally put in place as an emergency response to the pandemic helping to provide targeted supports to young people in need during COVID. The motel now houses the Eva’s Satellite program while Satellite’s original space is behind renovated.
4584 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON M1E 2P4
Phone: 416-338-4766 (City of Toronto Intake)
Eva’s Phoenix is a community of 10 shared townhouse-style units that provide transitional housing for 50 youth. The model provides young people with caring, individualized support to help them develop critical skills to live in the community. Youth can participate in workshops and hands-on programs, while also accessing wrap-around supports that will help them build strong community connections as they continue in their journeys to independence.
60 Brant St, Toronto, ON M5V 3G9
Phone: 416-338-4766 (City of Toronto Intake)
The YOUth Belong program supports 65 Black youth experiencing homelessness or precarious living. Staff help young people build the skills and capacity to effectively navigate the systems they will connect with daily, while developing roots in their communities and intersectional identities. YOUth Belong provides youth with access to their own housing in a community setting with staff support. The program operates in both scattered housing and Eva’s managed properties across the city.
Email: [email protected]