
Eva’s young people and staff have been cooking up a special project

This spring, Eva’s is remixing our traditional recipe for our annual Taste Matters event. Instead, we are celebrating the launch of the Eva’s Eats cookbook, a collaborative project created by our food service coordinators and the young people staying at our sites. This cookbook aims to assist them as they transition to independent living. Eva’s Eats pays tribute to the legacy of our founder, Eva Smith, a Jamaican-Canadian activist who recognized the significance of food as a link to [...]

Eva’s young people and staff have been cooking up a special project2023-06-12T15:04:25-04:00

Update on Eva’s Satellite location at 25 Canterbury Place

25 Canterbury Place is a City-owned facility leased to Eva's as a satellite location to support youth experiencing homelessness. The location closed in the fall of 2021 in order for the City to complete needed renovations and important health and safety upgrades.As the owner of the building, the City is responsible for any necessary building upgrades. Since the closure, City staff have worked with consultants to complete an environmental assessment, designs and a construction plan that includes state-of-good-repair work.Construction may [...]

Update on Eva’s Satellite location at 25 Canterbury Place2023-05-17T14:50:37-04:00

A message from our Board Chair and Executive Director

To our staff, volunteers, donors, and community of supporters: On behalf of the Board of Directors and Senior Leadership Team, we would like to extend our deep thanks for all you have done to support the young people we served over the last year. A message of gratitude to our front-line team In looking back on the year, we reflect on the continuing impacts of COVID-19, the opioid crisis, the worsening affordable housing situation in the city, and the [...]

A message from our Board Chair and Executive Director2023-04-26T16:20:54-04:00

Message from the Smith Family

Team,   In 2021-22, the COVID landscape called on the Eva’s team to again navigate the unknown and focus on conquering uncertainty. You continued to champion young people, helping them build brighter futures.    We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the incredible Eva’s team for your hard work over the past year. You not only provided one-on-one support to young people each day, but also continued to push for system change in an effort to end the cycle of [...]

Message from the Smith Family2023-04-26T16:19:26-04:00

Trust leads to growth for youth at Eva’s

Stuart has wise advice for youth who come to Eva’s: believe in yourself and trust in the support that’s being offered.  When Stuart walked through the doors of Eva’s Place, he felt lost and didn’t trust anyone. He had limited family supports and community connections and came to Eva’s for a fresh start.  “I got a lot of support from Eva’s staff. They showed respect right from the start and helped me focus on my goals, attend doctor’s appointments, [...]

Trust leads to growth for youth at Eva’s2023-04-26T16:12:17-04:00

How we help young people in our emergency shelters

For youth experiencing homelessness, the journey from chaos and crisis to stability often starts at one of Eva’s emergency shelter sites. At both Eva’s Place and Eva’s Satellite Hotel, youth receive immediate support day and night from our expert staff. We spoke with Helder, Senior Site Manager at Eva’s Place, to learn about the current conditions there.   “We're seeing real needs: youth coming from child welfare, sometimes the criminal justice system, the hospital, the airport, or the street,” [...]

How we help young people in our emergency shelters2023-05-08T10:37:24-04:00

The journey to find affordable housing

Accessing affordable housing in Toronto is a challenge for most people. For Black youth, it comes with additional obstacles. “Young people are struggling to secure a lease and rent is incredibly high for everyone. It doesn’t help when, for many different reasons—sometimes barriers and discrimination around their age, ethnicity, lack of references, or sources of income—a lot of landlords pick and choose who they will rent to,” said Linda, an Eva’s Housing Support Worker. Linda, Housing Worker, at [...]

The journey to find affordable housing2023-05-11T12:15:32-04:00

Home Depot helps Eva’s initiatives come to life

Eva’s and Home Depot are on a journey together. In 2012, the Home Depot Canada Foundation committed to preventing and ending youth homelessness in Canada. Since then, it’s invested $50 million in housing, employment and life skills, prevention, and research. It plans to dedicate $125 million to the cause by 2030. “We support over 200 organizations annually and Eva’s has been a strategic partner since the beginning because they’ve been a leader in this space for many years. As [...]

Home Depot helps Eva’s initiatives come to life2023-04-04T11:28:12-04:00

Youth build life skills at Eva’s Phoenix

There’s a lot to learn about living on your own. For youth who have experienced homelessness, trauma, and systemic barriers, the learning curve can be steep. “It’s tough to transition from being in an emergency state in a shelter. Living at Eva’s Phoenix is a time to stabilize and build on the skills you need to live on your own and keep up with work or school,” said Natalie, program facilitator of the life skills program. Natalie, the [...]

Youth build life skills at Eva’s Phoenix2023-04-04T11:17:26-04:00

Amir: “Eva’s was a lifeline for me”

After leaving home abruptly, Amir had nowhere to sleep and could barely afford to eat. He worked in a warehouse every day but wasn’t making enough to get by. “It was one of the lowest pits of my life. My mental health was in tatters. I had moments of wanting to give up,” he said. When he was accepted into Eva’s Phoenix, he was ready to change his life. “I took every opportunity that was offered to me. In [...]

Amir: “Eva’s was a lifeline for me”2023-03-15T17:17:24-04:00

Anti-oppression vital part of independent living

The youth we serve at Eva’s learn about systemic barriers.  Youth experiencing homelessness are more likely to be Black, Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQ+, newcomer, and/or immigrant youth. According to a 2021 Toronto Street Needs Assessment, 78% of youth experiencing homelessness identified as a member of a racialized group; 43% identified as Black  By the time they reach Eva’s, youth have likely experienced direct racism and discrimination and have been affected by inequities in child welfare, education, employment, health care, justice, [...]

Anti-oppression vital part of independent living2023-04-26T15:01:51-04:00
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