
Invaluable life skills prepare youth for independent living

If you need to know how to fill out a student financial aid form, find mental health support in Toronto or get familiar with your rights as a tenant, ask Elise Yusef.  As a follow-up support worker, she knows how to navigate the many challenges of living in Toronto—and she shares it all with the youth she works with.  “I’m a trans Black woman, and I was precariously housed for a period of time, so I have an understanding [...]

Invaluable life skills prepare youth for independent living2024-04-09T12:56:12-04:00

Hockey Helps the Homeless: Championing Change from Ice to Impact

At Eva's, we are proud of our continued partnership with Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH), an organization dedicated to using hockey to fight homelessness. HHTH organizes pro-am events like the Bay Street Tournament on April 20, 2024. These friendly competitions unite activists, supporters, and pro hockey players like Wendel Clark, Georges Laraque, and Jayna Hefford to raise funds and awareness for homelessness. Donate Today To Support a Registered Player or Team Georges Laraque (R), [...]

Hockey Helps the Homeless: Championing Change from Ice to Impact2024-03-20T14:11:36-04:00

Introducing Eva’s Africentric Youth Journey Map

Fresh off the launch of our strategic plan, we are pleased to unveil our Youth Journey Map (YJM). This approach supports young people, particularly Black youth experiencing homelessness in Toronto, by integrating Africentric principles that centre their cultural heritage and individual challenges, empowering them as authorities in their own lives.  As we embark on this transformative journey, Eva’s is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all youth. We are putting the infrastructure in place to serve [...]

Introducing Eva’s Africentric Youth Journey Map2024-03-06T11:29:12-05:00

Making waves of change with The Ripple Effect

This winter, The Ripple Effect proudly announces its collaboration with Eva's in the "100 Days of Cold Plunge Challenge.” The challenge, which started on December 16th, 2023, and lasts until March 24th, 2024, sees a team take a daily plunge into icy waters to raise funds for winter clothing items.  The unique and daring challenge is designed to create a significant impact in supporting those facing winter without proper warmth. By partnering with Eva's, The Ripple Effect ensures that [...]

Making waves of change with The Ripple Effect2024-01-08T16:15:53-05:00

Housing support is springboard for success

Reno was doing everything right.   He was the first to arrive at rental open houses. He’d have the first and last months’ rent ready and all the information required. It wasn’t enough.   “People would turn me down as soon as they saw me. Being a young Black man trying to find housing was very difficult. I felt very defeated,” he said.   His time at Eva’s changed everything, including the way he responded to systemic racism. From the moment [...]

Housing support is springboard for success2023-12-15T15:25:24-05:00

Fighting hunger and homelessness takes time and teamwork

The Sprott Foundation and Eva’s have been making change together for 20 years. In many ways, the work that Eva’s does is the embodiment of the impact the Sprott Foundation is committed to making in Canada. Juliana Sprott, chief giving officer at the Sprott Foundation “We are dedicated to addressing homelessness and hunger in Canada, and we support initiatives that focus on self-sufficiency and dignity for those in need,” said Chief Giving Officer Juliana Sprott. “Getting stabilized [...]

Fighting hunger and homelessness takes time and teamwork2023-09-11T16:17:07-04:00

Supporting young people navigating Toronto’s affordable housing system

Accessing affordable housing in Toronto requires effort, patience—and support. Ruth, a Housing Team Lead at Eva's Ruth, a Housing Support Lead at Eva’s, helps young people find long-term housing, a process that includes securing documentation they may not have, and negotiating tenant agreements. She also helps high-risk youth who need supportive housing apply for housing and case management support. “The housing available is very minimal vs. the amount of unhoused people in the community,” she said. Even [...]

Supporting young people navigating Toronto’s affordable housing system2023-12-15T15:28:12-05:00

Relocation of Eva’s Satellite Hotel program

As of late August, the young people staying at our temporary hotel and Satellite program have been relocated from 60 York Street to 4584 Kingston Road until the summer/fall of 2024. Eva’s Satellite Hotel program will provide emergency and longer-term housing for up to 46 youth at the new Kingston Road location.  While the temporary hotel program was originally put in place as an emergency response to the pandemic, the program will now house the Eva’s Satellite program while [...]

Relocation of Eva’s Satellite Hotel program2023-08-29T15:02:09-04:00

Harm reduction key to keeping youth safe

As the opioid crisis continues to escalate, harm reduction has become one of the most vital services at Eva’s. Celestina, a harm reduction worker at Eva's Celestina, a harm reduction worker at Eva’s, tailors her approach from harm reduction to addiction counselling, depending on the youth’s goals. These goals can vary from employing strategies to reduce risks while continuing substance use to pursuing complete abstinence, should the youth choose to do so. In addition to dispensing sterile [...]

Harm reduction key to keeping youth safe2023-08-24T17:53:51-04:00

Recreation key to youth recovery

Watching a movie with friends. Playing Connect 4. Taking a watercolour class. Strolling through a museum. Thulasi, recreation coordinator at Eva’s Satellite, says finding connection and purpose comes in many forms—and they’re equally important. “Most of the youth we help at Eva’s have not had the chance to experience swimming or music lessons or playing a sport. Recreation enhances everyone’s lived experiences and makes life feel easier. It’s very powerful.” Thulasi aims to provide programs and resources to help [...]

Recreation key to youth recovery2023-07-10T09:08:11-04:00

How becoming a monthly donor can impact you and Eva’s

For a limited time, long-time supporters of Eva’s have generously agreed to match all new monthly donations for one year during our Taste Matters Remixed campaign. Meaning each donation can have 2X the impact! By making a commitment to contribute a fixed amount each month, you become an essential part of continuing the important work Eva’s and most importantly, supporting young people experiencing homelessness in our city. Here’s some food for thought on why you should consider becoming a [...]

How becoming a monthly donor can impact you and Eva’s2023-06-12T13:15:07-04:00

Assembling the right ingredients: Production of the Eva’s Eats cookbook

The Eva’s Eats cookbook was a collaborative project led by our food services coordinators, Leanne and Eugene, with young people and staff at our sites. The cookbook features recipes shared by young people and staff that are important to them, representing their diverse backgrounds and cultures. This project is an innovative example of how food can be used to build community and empower the young people we serve. The cookbook is a collection of recipes to help young people [...]

Assembling the right ingredients: Production of the Eva’s Eats cookbook2023-06-12T11:46:39-04:00
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