

Get the inside scoop on how Eva’s works to prevent youth homelessness every day.

Desran’s story

Many parents make difficult decisions to do what they see as best for their children. For Desran’s mother, that meant leaving him behind with his family in St. Vincent and moving to Canada to work and lay the groundwork for their new life. When he was finally able to join her at 15 years old, it was difficult for them to connect because they had lived apart for so many years. “We didn’t really have much communication,” he explains, [...]

Desran’s story2023-01-10T10:37:06-05:00

Eva’s Print Shop: A better way to print

About the Print shop Eva’s Print Shop is a full-service digital printer that supports youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness with training opportunities and meaningful work. You help prepare youth for employment in the graphic and print sectors when you print with us. Learn more here. About the Graphic Communications and Print Shop training program The Graphic Communication and Print Training Program is designed to provide youth experiencing homelessness and those at-risk youth with career preparation support and [...]

Eva’s Print Shop: A better way to print2024-02-06T17:21:05-05:00

Food brings stability, comfort to youth

Leanne Rabinowitz, Food Services Coordinator, at Eva's Phoenix, and Eugene Silva, Chef, at Eva's Place, pose for a photo. Eugene Silva believes that food can fix almost anything. “Food feeds not only the body but the soul, too. You can think better and do better when your stomach is full,” said the head chef at Eva’s Place, our 25-bed emergency shelter in North York. He should know. Eugene has been cooking for our youth for over 25 years. He’s [...]

Food brings stability, comfort to youth2023-01-03T09:59:26-05:00

Finding the right song led to a musical future

As a teen, Raiesa lived in a group home and experienced an abusive situation where she was given drugs and trafficked. “There would be days at a time that I would go missing and no one checked up on me,” she says. Thankfully, a guidance counsellor at Raiesa’s school stepped in and found her a place at Eva’s. “It changed my life,” says Raiesa. “Before, so many people were trying to take advantage of me. Eva’s was the exact [...]

Finding the right song led to a musical future2023-01-03T10:01:34-05:00

Training program unlocks youth passions

In the summer of 2019, Angel was struggling to find work. Fresh out of foster care and uncertain about her future, she needed to get a job or enroll in school to stay in the semi-transitional housing where she was living. “I was really stressed about it, so my therapist suggested I apply for the Graphic Communication and Print Training program at Eva’s because I like to draw and paint,” said Angel. “They invited me for an interview and [...]

Training program unlocks youth passions2022-11-08T14:14:33-05:00

Kinks & Curls: Community fundraiser provides hair care essentials for Black youth

In 2016, while working at a youth shelter, social worker Breanna Phillip noticed their donation closet did not have products for Black hair care. “We got a lot of donations for hygiene products, and our closet was full of shampoos and conditioners, but the shampoos were not healthy for Black hair. There were never any products for braiding hair, nor leave-in conditioners, oils, alcohol-free gels, twisting creams, and other products that Black youth need.” “The issue of Black youth not [...]

Kinks & Curls: Community fundraiser provides hair care essentials for Black youth2022-09-06T16:44:55-04:00

Employment training builds skills, offers experience

It can be difficult for any young adult to know what career path to pursue. For the youth we serve at Eva’s, it’s even harder. As youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness, they may be processing trauma or dealing with social stigmas and discrimination associated with being Black, racialized, Indigenous and/or 2SLGBTQ+ – any and all of which makes it tough to plan for employment. That’s why we offer our 20-week Youth Succeeding in Employment Program (YSEP): to [...]

Employment training builds skills, offers experience2022-09-15T10:05:20-04:00

TRREB: Investing in communities and youth

You won’t find a profession more connected to community than real estate practitioners. It’s their business to understand the health and wellbeing of the neighbourhoods they work in. And when it comes to giving back, they look for ways to help those communities thrive.  To honour their 66,000 members’ collective values, the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) donates around $1 million to approximately 100 charities that elevate communities every year. Eva’s has been one of their recipients since [...]

TRREB: Investing in communities and youth2022-08-08T14:06:00-04:00

Foundation supports others while honouring namesakes

It was a tip from a stranger that changed the course of Otto Pick’s life – and those of his descendants – forever.   Driving down a dusty road in his native Czech Republic, Otto gave a ride to a young man who was in rough shape. The year was 1939 and the man was Jewish, from Germany. On their short drive, he told Otto about the atrocities the Nazis were committing in his homeland. Also Jewish, Otto was naturally [...]

Foundation supports others while honouring namesakes2022-08-03T14:15:24-04:00

Serving up meals and comfort to youth for 25 years

In June, we celebrated Chef Eugene Silva’s 25 years of working with Eva’s. Eugene works as the food coordinator at Eva’s Place. He creates a delicious menu providing three meals and two snacks for the young people staying with us each day. “I’m motivated by my passion for cooking and the ability that food has to make youth feel comfortable,” says Eugene. “It’s receiving a compliment about my food from a young person and knowing that I’m a big [...]

Serving up meals and comfort to youth for 25 years2022-07-18T15:56:57-04:00

Employment program opens new doors for youth

When Brianna lost her job in customer service, she wasn’t sure what to do next.   At 25, she qualified for the Youth Succeeding in Employment Program (YSEP) at Eva’s Phoenix – and the experience changed her life.    “Being a part of the program gave me a lot of skills to find a job, have a better resume and cover letter, do well in interviews and dress professionally. I also learned soft skills like conflict resolution and how to adapt [...]

Employment program opens new doors for youth2022-05-20T13:39:25-04:00

Jaden’s Fundraiser: Youth helping youth

There are lots of ways for high school students to achieve their required community service hours. Grade 10 students Jaden DaSilva and Beketa Million made theirs count by co-organizing a neighbourhood event that raised $1,800 for Eva’s last summer. It all started when Pamela Osorio-Kettle received a call from Eva’s fundraising team during the height of the pandemic. “They talked about the impact of COVID-19 on youth and the services that Eva’s provides. That conversation really stuck with me. [...]

Jaden’s Fundraiser: Youth helping youth2022-07-27T10:21:11-04:00
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